715 Broadway, Marysville, KS 66508

Lumenis Optilight IPL

Intense pulsed light therapy (IPL) is an in-office treatment used on dry eyes, hordeola (styes), and can be used for several other applications. The treatment uses specific wavelengths of light to reduce inflammation around the eyes. This allows the oil-producing meibomian glands to produce more lubrication for the eyes, reducing the effects of dry eye. We utilize the Lumenis Optilight instrument which is the first and only IPL device FDA-approved for the management of dry eye disease.

The therapy targets ocular rosacea and small blood vessels, which often cause inflammation in the tissues around the eyes. The light energy eliminates the damaged blood vessels and reduces inflammation. 

During the procedure, the heat from the light warms and liquefies the oil your body uses to create tear film. IPL therapy can help this oil to move more freely and reduce blockages that cause dry eye symptoms.

Treatment Day

You will be provided eye protection to wear during the duration of your treatment. We will apply a cooling gel to your treatment area to keep the skin comfortable and provide a targeted treatment. We will then administer IPL directly to your skin which consists of flashes of light in a series. During each flash you may experience a tingling sensation similar to a rubbed band snap. After we have applied the treatment we will remove the cooling gel and apply sunscreen to protect your skin.

After Treatment

Some patients notice changes immediately after, but in most situations it will take a series of treatments to see a long lasting change. We will develop a treatment strategy individualized for you during your initial consultation.